30-09-2006, 12:57am
Ok firstly I would just like to thank all the boys that I took money off. Just like taking candy from a baby. He hehehehe.
I would also like to thank Ray Box and sports compact for giving us somewhere to run the bike like it should be run.
It was an unreal weekend. Good racing, Good betting and of course Good company.
Great to see the amount that actually stepped it up to race pro tree heads up. Unreal turnout boys and congrats to all of you for giving it a go. Not to mention that the street class also had a great turnout. Execellent to see that Ray had not wasted his time. Good on you all for supporting this event.
As far as Len and the bike, both did a great job. The bike ran just like clock work all weekend. Len put down a string of 7 sec passes with the best being 7.76 which is a PB. He also did a PB MPH of 194.89.
The 194.89MPH pass I think was done out of temper as the person in the other lane decided to play silly buggers staging. This sort of thing in this type of racing in my opion is just so silly and really gets you nowhere.
The final with Marty was interesting, when Len went to start the bike it let out an almighty backfire and then wanted to idle at 4000. All I could think is I am going to loose my money and they are going to give me heaps. (rightly so cause I had been stiring shit all weekend) He came down to the line and for a short sec I was thinking boy is he going to cop it on the way home. (all ten hours of the trip) Then both boys played the you stage first game and both of there tyers cooled down, so of course both took of sideways with no traction. Len ran an 8.9 for the win and Marty ran a 9.5 I think it was.
Again I would just like to say congrats to all the stepped up for the two classes that Ray Box put on. If this is anything to go by the next round should be unreal to watch.
Oh and it was only a bent throttle blade so "Quick Silver" is fixed and ready for the next challenge. Any takers???? He hehehe.
Cheers Dee <i></i>
I would also like to thank Ray Box and sports compact for giving us somewhere to run the bike like it should be run.
It was an unreal weekend. Good racing, Good betting and of course Good company.
Great to see the amount that actually stepped it up to race pro tree heads up. Unreal turnout boys and congrats to all of you for giving it a go. Not to mention that the street class also had a great turnout. Execellent to see that Ray had not wasted his time. Good on you all for supporting this event.
As far as Len and the bike, both did a great job. The bike ran just like clock work all weekend. Len put down a string of 7 sec passes with the best being 7.76 which is a PB. He also did a PB MPH of 194.89.
The 194.89MPH pass I think was done out of temper as the person in the other lane decided to play silly buggers staging. This sort of thing in this type of racing in my opion is just so silly and really gets you nowhere.
The final with Marty was interesting, when Len went to start the bike it let out an almighty backfire and then wanted to idle at 4000. All I could think is I am going to loose my money and they are going to give me heaps. (rightly so cause I had been stiring shit all weekend) He came down to the line and for a short sec I was thinking boy is he going to cop it on the way home. (all ten hours of the trip) Then both boys played the you stage first game and both of there tyers cooled down, so of course both took of sideways with no traction. Len ran an 8.9 for the win and Marty ran a 9.5 I think it was.
Again I would just like to say congrats to all the stepped up for the two classes that Ray Box put on. If this is anything to go by the next round should be unreal to watch.
Oh and it was only a bent throttle blade so "Quick Silver" is fixed and ready for the next challenge. Any takers???? He hehehe.
Cheers Dee <i></i>