WSID 27th
Guys need help big time!! Went out tonight to WSID. First time ever and best time was 11.8 (shithouse really). But for all 4 runs I had massive wheel spin through 1st and 2nd could not stop it without losing 3 seconds anyway. Any help with take off? do you guys spin it up too? Just could not get traction at all , pissed off big time. Chewed the shit out of the rear tyre as well.


Webdesigner, Photographer and all round hoon :)<i></i>

Messages In This Thread
WSID 27th - by Doohan - 27-09-2006, 03:37pm
Re: WSID 27th - by Blackzook - 27-09-2006, 09:03pm
Re: WSID 27th - by Doohan - 27-09-2006, 11:59pm
Re: WSID 27th - by Blackzook - 28-09-2006, 02:42am
Re: WSID 27th - by Speedzalot - 28-09-2006, 07:23pm

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