16-09-2006, 08:11pm
Hi Rob
The Jamboree will be a good event, maybe a bit much for someone that has never raced but certainly great for anyone that has gone a few laps and whats to see what its like at a big Event.
In saying that if you think you are ready you are most welcomed to enter more, the merrier!!
Funnily enough to enter the event in Streetbike is the same price as if you were spectating for 2 days, good value in my books!
Saturday Qualifying
9.30 - 3.30pm Qualifying - ET, SF, SR, SA, S/SB
3.45 - 8.00pm Qualifying - AM, FM, ST, SM, EX & M/SB
Sunday Eliminations
10.30am - 5.00pm Drag Racing Eliminations
Shayne <i></i>
The Jamboree will be a good event, maybe a bit much for someone that has never raced but certainly great for anyone that has gone a few laps and whats to see what its like at a big Event.
In saying that if you think you are ready you are most welcomed to enter more, the merrier!!
Funnily enough to enter the event in Streetbike is the same price as if you were spectating for 2 days, good value in my books!
Saturday Qualifying
9.30 - 3.30pm Qualifying - ET, SF, SR, SA, S/SB
3.45 - 8.00pm Qualifying - AM, FM, ST, SM, EX & M/SB
Sunday Eliminations
10.30am - 5.00pm Drag Racing Eliminations
Shayne <i></i>