Thought i'd start this thread on the basis that people could write the best inspirational word's that you've been told, and live your life by.
Thing's maybe your parent's/grandparent's told you. Or people you look up to and admire. This is a positive thread that I hope will encourage people to share there wisdom with other's.
After all, we all need some inspiration at time's don't we?
I'll start with my few I try my best to live by-:
We are the company we keep.
It's not alway's how other's treat other's, it's how they treat you.
What you give out, sooner or later you will get it back.
We are all energy, and one day we must give it back.
Try to smile at a stranger each day.
If you love someone, tell them often.
If your going to do something, do it with passion.
There, hope I haven't just walked out on to a lonely ledge in doing this but hey, I'm me.
Thing's maybe your parent's/grandparent's told you. Or people you look up to and admire. This is a positive thread that I hope will encourage people to share there wisdom with other's.
After all, we all need some inspiration at time's don't we?
I'll start with my few I try my best to live by-:
We are the company we keep.
It's not alway's how other's treat other's, it's how they treat you.
What you give out, sooner or later you will get it back.
We are all energy, and one day we must give it back.
Try to smile at a stranger each day.
If you love someone, tell them often.
If your going to do something, do it with passion.
There, hope I haven't just walked out on to a lonely ledge in doing this but hey, I'm me.