Bragging Rights
Hi guys, I posted this else where but there hasnt been much of a response

With the advent of Rapid's Bragging Board out for a little while, I have started up one that we can control ourselves.

Open to everyone that Drag Races, tell us how you went what changes, and post a pic of your bike in action.

One small catch, you have to become a member of my site!

I know its not in print but it could be a good way of following each others progress.


<i>Edited by: aBUSa at: 27/7/06 11:09 pm

Messages In This Thread
Bragging Rights - by aBUSa - 27-07-2006, 11:07pm
Bragging Rights - by Fat Busa Racing 1347 - 28-07-2006, 12:56pm

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