19-08-2012, 09:53pm
I live on the Central Coast and ride The OPH. My advice:-
Thats all Folks.
If your riding North and want to stop at MT White, vear off the F3, then get back on and take the Petes Ridge Rd turn off. You got a better chance.
The crazy thing is, that this was "once a pona time" a "100" Klm/h rated road. You now have a better chance doing 140Klm/h on the F3 than maybe doing 20Klm/h over the limit on TOPH and getting caught. I can't tell you how many times I get overtaken on the F3 by cars, Dual Cab P platers doing average 35Klm/h over the limit every day and getting away with it, and I am on the Busa just amazed.
Thats all Folks.
If your riding North and want to stop at MT White, vear off the F3, then get back on and take the Petes Ridge Rd turn off. You got a better chance.
The crazy thing is, that this was "once a pona time" a "100" Klm/h rated road. You now have a better chance doing 140Klm/h on the F3 than maybe doing 20Klm/h over the limit on TOPH and getting caught. I can't tell you how many times I get overtaken on the F3 by cars, Dual Cab P platers doing average 35Klm/h over the limit every day and getting away with it, and I am on the Busa just amazed.
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"