Introducing the two newest members of the shed
EXCELLENT Simmo, you are ON! Today was brilliant. Did 200kms of dirt, postie was an absolute champion. I'm considering changing her name to Tank. SURE we struggled a bit keeping up with the big off-roaders, but she didn't put a foot wrong and sat on 60kms/hr everywhere, sand, wet clay, corregations and parrots. LOTS of parrots. Fitted the gopro for the maiden voyage, it stayed on for a while :) by the time I realised it was gone, we were 100kms away on some pretty rough roads so we gave it up as missing. I got lost going back to look for it, but by happy accident ended up at the lunch stop before everyone else. My only explanation is that the postie is so damn FAST!

The other riders were completely entranced by the postie, I suspect I have at least another three converts. One guy was blown away by the side stands on both sides, BOTH SIDES!! AND a centre stand. SURE she doesn't have a trip meter, a tacho or a fuel guage,but they spent a lot of money on stands. That was voted an excellent choice. Oddly enough the suspension got big ticks as well, she was solid as a rock, even steep downhill with corregations. What a great little bike.

Things I learned today;
1. going downhill, leaning back with slight positive throttle makes a huge difference to the stability of the bike
2. I am not going to fall off when I hit long strips of deep, loose gravel
3. You have to run through the gears to the very top if you want to hit warp speed, no short changes
4. You have heaps of time to develop a victory wave when you are traveling at that speed.

Feeling more confident about the postie challenge now.

OH! And on the way home coming into Gundaroo four hours later, we came around the corner and there was the gopro in the middle of the road. The mounting system was smashed beyond all recognition, the camera had come out of the casing and was a bit scuffed and the SD was missing and there is a chance it had been hit by a couple of cars, but turned on when I tried it.

Messages In This Thread
Introducing the two newest members of the shed - by Heidi1 - 22-07-2012, 12:10am
RE: Introducing the two newest members of the shed - by Heidi1 - 22-07-2012, 10:05pm
RE: Introducing the two newest members of the shed - by Heidi1 - 22-07-2012, 11:12pm
RE: Introducing the two newest members of the shed - by Heidi1 - 26-07-2012, 09:00pm
RE: Introducing the two newest members of the shed - by Heidi1 - 30-07-2012, 09:08am
RE: Introducing the two newest members of the shed - by Heidi1 - 04-08-2012, 06:47pm
RE: Introducing the two newest members of the shed - by Heidi1 - 04-08-2012, 07:06pm
RE: Introducing the two newest members of the shed - by Heidi1 - 11-08-2012, 10:14pm
RE: Introducing the two newest members of the shed - by Heidi1 - 12-08-2012, 10:24pm
RE: Introducing the two newest members of the shed - by Heidi1 - 13-08-2012, 11:26am

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