20-04-2006, 11:41am
How about, 'Stop it now, I'm about to get the cranky finger out!'
That's why I suggested 'Bastard Racing for Bruce. I'd be sitting there on the track hung-over as all buggery (hang on, maybe THAT'S why Bruce was trying to get me drunk...), looking around at all the shiny lights and the people, singing 'la la la' to myself in the helmet..... and suddenly BAM! Bruce would be gone!
I'd sit bolt upright, shout BASTARD, and then try to catch him.
As the photo evidence suggests, I was less than sucessful at that. Doesn't matter, I'm going to practise in the National Library carpark. Every librarian for miles around will come to marvel at my prowess. I'll be doing drag starts and returning books. I'm going to be the legend of cataloguing and THEN I'm coming back to beat Bruce.
Hey Pan, reckon we can let his tyres down without him noticing? <i></i>
That's why I suggested 'Bastard Racing for Bruce. I'd be sitting there on the track hung-over as all buggery (hang on, maybe THAT'S why Bruce was trying to get me drunk...), looking around at all the shiny lights and the people, singing 'la la la' to myself in the helmet..... and suddenly BAM! Bruce would be gone!
I'd sit bolt upright, shout BASTARD, and then try to catch him.
As the photo evidence suggests, I was less than sucessful at that. Doesn't matter, I'm going to practise in the National Library carpark. Every librarian for miles around will come to marvel at my prowess. I'll be doing drag starts and returning books. I'm going to be the legend of cataloguing and THEN I'm coming back to beat Bruce.
Hey Pan, reckon we can let his tyres down without him noticing? <i></i>