10-03-2006, 05:18pm
Pit crew have to pay to get in as well.
If the bike you are crewing on is racing in an ANDRA class, he will get 4 free tickets, but it costs him $180 to enter.
Non ANDRA racers pay $55 to enter, and $15 for each crew member, this is for pre payed entries.
Non ANDRA racers who enter on the day will pay $75 to enter, and $25 for each crew member.
As for parking for your bike, I can't see them letting crew members, spectators or vendors workers park their vehicles in the pit areas, but I might be wrong, as I said before parking for spectators wont be like at a street meet, you will be parked either outside the competitor gate, or at the far end of the track in the parking lot.
If I was you I would take it up with the track and find out before you get there.
Or check out www.bikefest.com.au and get on to Steve Stanley, he is running the event and will be able to help you out.
If the bike you are crewing on is racing in an ANDRA class, he will get 4 free tickets, but it costs him $180 to enter.
Non ANDRA racers pay $55 to enter, and $15 for each crew member, this is for pre payed entries.
Non ANDRA racers who enter on the day will pay $75 to enter, and $25 for each crew member.
As for parking for your bike, I can't see them letting crew members, spectators or vendors workers park their vehicles in the pit areas, but I might be wrong, as I said before parking for spectators wont be like at a street meet, you will be parked either outside the competitor gate, or at the far end of the track in the parking lot.
If I was you I would take it up with the track and find out before you get there.
Or check out www.bikefest.com.au and get on to Steve Stanley, he is running the event and will be able to help you out.