08-04-2012, 12:26pm
Hey all,
Was on the Blower to Greeny the other Night and he came up with what I thought was a great idea, and due to the fact that he hasnt posted it yet Im gunna take the Liberty and do it Myself!!
Was great to catchup with Dianne and Goran (I hope the spelling is rite there fella), at our BBQ the other week, and most of us are of the attitude that the way we went to Lobie isnt a good representation of what our Hills have to offer for our "New Adelaide Members", so Greeny and I were theorising about doing a run down toward Victor/Goolwa via Myponga Dam, along the Coast to Delamere and doing the Delamere Road to Victor and Goolwa, then heading home via Mt Compass, Nangkita, Ashbourne, Strath etc.
Any Intrest in this before the Weather turns to Shite?
In my head Im thinking in the next few Weeks mite be a good idea?
Looking forward to your input!
Oh; ZX14's are most welcome
Was on the Blower to Greeny the other Night and he came up with what I thought was a great idea, and due to the fact that he hasnt posted it yet Im gunna take the Liberty and do it Myself!!
Was great to catchup with Dianne and Goran (I hope the spelling is rite there fella), at our BBQ the other week, and most of us are of the attitude that the way we went to Lobie isnt a good representation of what our Hills have to offer for our "New Adelaide Members", so Greeny and I were theorising about doing a run down toward Victor/Goolwa via Myponga Dam, along the Coast to Delamere and doing the Delamere Road to Victor and Goolwa, then heading home via Mt Compass, Nangkita, Ashbourne, Strath etc.
Any Intrest in this before the Weather turns to Shite?
In my head Im thinking in the next few Weeks mite be a good idea?
Looking forward to your input!
Oh; ZX14's are most welcome