A lot of valid points from Wardy and Troopy to consider. I got a Gen 2 Busa and the Gixxer 1000 so I will share some comparisons that will take some of the "rider" things away. On my favourite stretch of Gorge Rd here in the hills I am 10 - 15sec faster (timed with a GPS) on a Gixxer than the Busa. That is over 6.5 km distance riding both to my best abilities. Also with other guys on litre bikes - Kawasaki and Gixxers I keep up with them no problems on Gixxer, but on a Busa after few corners they get away. And thats even with a Gixxer's OEM crap rear suspension (springs so soft that is has no sag without me on it) and only front set up right - re-sprang and re-valved for my weight.
Taking the rider's skills out of equasion I put it down simply to the bike's weight. You will loose time under the brakes on every corner as it takes longer to slow down a heavy bike, so must start breaking a bit earlier (both bikes have identical setup with HEL lines, Busa masters and Brembo calipers). Gixxer weighs 189 kg, Busa 233 kg.
Same will apply on the drive out of corner. OK Busa have few more horses, but not enogh to compensate for the mass difference when you consider power to weight ratio of both bikes.
Handling-wise, frankly I can not see that much difference. With the right height setup and 55 profile tires Busa is as nimble as anyhthing. So in conclusion of that lenghty write-up, if you want to beat the 1000's, put a Busa on a diet, set it up correctly (even the OEM parts are OK with exception of front springs as they are way to soft unless you are 75 kg) and learn to ride better. As Pan and Wardy said CSS session - best $500 spent on the bike. Totally agree.
Taking the rider's skills out of equasion I put it down simply to the bike's weight. You will loose time under the brakes on every corner as it takes longer to slow down a heavy bike, so must start breaking a bit earlier (both bikes have identical setup with HEL lines, Busa masters and Brembo calipers). Gixxer weighs 189 kg, Busa 233 kg.
Same will apply on the drive out of corner. OK Busa have few more horses, but not enogh to compensate for the mass difference when you consider power to weight ratio of both bikes.
Handling-wise, frankly I can not see that much difference. With the right height setup and 55 profile tires Busa is as nimble as anyhthing. So in conclusion of that lenghty write-up, if you want to beat the 1000's, put a Busa on a diet, set it up correctly (even the OEM parts are OK with exception of front springs as they are way to soft unless you are 75 kg) and learn to ride better. As Pan and Wardy said CSS session - best $500 spent on the bike. Totally agree.
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"