26-03-2012, 05:11am
Congratulations REVIT13, you're alive. 
Reads like a lot of past, present & future "Pain & Suffering" to me.
I know nothing about the WA Legislation, I just hope you have good legal help. Give that Insurance Company ZERO DISCOUNTS.
Remember, it is not about mediation or negotiation or any of their crappy "discount" words they'll come out with. Get every cent you are legally entitled to, & if your 1st lawyer doesn't tell you what it is, sack em & get one who can.
I hope you get better, but, unfortunately, you'll never be 100%.
Good luck with it all. Insurance company defence lawyers love reading Motorcycle forums

Reads like a lot of past, present & future "Pain & Suffering" to me.
I know nothing about the WA Legislation, I just hope you have good legal help. Give that Insurance Company ZERO DISCOUNTS.
Remember, it is not about mediation or negotiation or any of their crappy "discount" words they'll come out with. Get every cent you are legally entitled to, & if your 1st lawyer doesn't tell you what it is, sack em & get one who can.
I hope you get better, but, unfortunately, you'll never be 100%.
Good luck with it all. Insurance company defence lawyers love reading Motorcycle forums