15-03-2012, 07:46pm
Falco, I have 3 Registered and Insured vehicles on the road, and Im a Cyclist, infact, the reality is, most Cyclists also have one or more vehicle on the Road aswell, Yes like you I have been committed mid corner only to find a group of 4/5 cyclists all over the road, this is why the powers that be put these restrictions in place when such an event is taking place so as to hopefully get both Cyclists and Vehicle users to slow up a little and note the pending dangers.
One day Falco you may just be the recepiant of some of the money that they raise, or the technology, (whatever that may be in this case im not sure), but lets hope you dont eh? :)
I am a Cyclist aswell as a Motorcyclist, I find your comments narrowminded and typical of a person or persons who are thinking about themselves.
With you on that one Troopy

"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"