Tathra Feedback
[quote='motoplast' pid='256500' dateline='1323419840']
Hi Guys Jenn here.........getting my own back on Tex using my log in!!Lol3

Just received an email from one of the staff @ the caravan park...Kat

[b] let you know that Raelene and I have been checking out the pics from the Hayabusa weekend still (we love you guys - we are becoming a more unified bunch here and we plan to put it on a bit better for you all next year if it goes with all your flow).

Let all the Hayabusa guys know that we were all wrapped with having them here at the park and in Tathra - they were great guests - one of the best we've had.

Faaaaark Scary , what is happening? We are ruining the "biker" reputation behaving like a bunch of pansies Lol3 Lol2Lol2
Just kidding, it is good to know that collectively we might be changing the public perception of motorbike riders. If they start seeing us as normal people maybe the governments will too.....Clap
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"

Messages In This Thread
Tathra Feedback - by motoplast - 09-12-2011, 06:37pm
RE: Tathra Feedback - by Shifu - 09-12-2011, 08:19pm
RE: Tathra Feedback - by PostmanPete - 09-12-2011, 08:33pm
RE: Tathra Feedback - by BikerBoy - 09-12-2011, 08:42pm
RE: Tathra Feedback - by motoplast - 10-12-2011, 07:52am
RE: Tathra Feedback - by Shifu - 10-12-2011, 09:36am
RE: Tathra Feedback - by bazman - 10-12-2011, 12:33pm

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