25-11-2011, 12:53pm
At least they jailed the slimey wog muthafuc*er, was probably drunk & that's why he did a runner. The drunk woman driver that wiped me out did a runner on foot, and came back to the scene of the collision when the ambulance turned up 45 minutes later, and 5 minutes after that, the pigs turned up cause the poor little darlings wouldn't want to get blood on their hands. The magistrate also remarked that it it was good how the drunk did what she was supposed to do & hung around at the collision ! Then, with no withesses at all, the pigs accused me of speeding. $400fine $70 court costs & 18mths suspended sentence. Cost me over $5000 to bankrupt the drunken bitch.
Fuc* the gutless coppers & fuc* the useless NSW Court System
Fuc* the gutless coppers & fuc* the useless NSW Court System