Current court case regarding people smugglers
Ask yourself one question: How do they get to Indonesia before they get on a boat ?
Simple. They fly into Jakarta's airport. Fold 3 x US$100 notes in half & put in their passport. The Indonesian Immigration Officer slips the notes "under the table", stamps their passport, (been there, done that Wm) and off the "refo" goes to get the next boat.
Now Kevin Crudd, being the current Foreign Minister of the Convicted Drunk Driver Living In The Lodge Labor Government should sort this shi* out, but we all know he won't because that Lesbian Chinese/Malay bitch Penny Wong's Malaysian family will miss out on too many ATP funded kickbacksWelcome

Messages In This Thread
RE: Current court case regarding people smugglers - by GRUNTMAX - 08-11-2011, 10:43pm
RE: Current court case regarding people smugglers - by GRUNTMAX - 12-11-2011, 01:30am
RE: Current court case regarding people smugglers - by GRUNTMAX - 30-12-2011, 02:48pm
RE: Current court case regarding people smugglers - by GRUNTMAX - 30-12-2011, 07:52pm

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