lowering Links? Or stock lowering adjustment? Opinions please
To flash the stock ecu, speak to Pete (member FasterFaster). he runs the shop http://www.petespitstop.com.au/
He's a long way away from us, but you can post him your ecu and he'll send it back when done. Lot's of members here have got nothing but good comments about his work. He definately knows his stuff!!

...or you can learn yourself and go the DIY way by purchasing the flashing harness from http://www.boostbysmith.com/ecugen2.html
and downloading a copy of ecueditor from http://ecueditor.com/
there is a full forum about it all here: http://ecuhacking.activeboard.com/forum....umID=99460

...and to keep you locked in the saddle while accelerating, speak to member Big Kev (posted above) about his custom seats http://www.vcmcycleseats.com.au/ Again, many of us have them and kev does a great job for us all.


Messages In This Thread
RE: lowering Links? Or stock lowering adjustment? Opinions please - by BikerBoy - 16-09-2011, 02:44pm

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