Paint and Hose's ?
Couple of Quick Questions.....

Can I get anything like these in AU for my "Naked Bike" project,

or do I just order from the UK ?


Looking to get a Paint job done around Brisbane,
5 panels.
*Cut down front Guard,
*Small fairing/headlight surround,
*Belly pan,
*Tail piece.
Fairing and Belly pan are in Gel-coat and need a little tidy up.
Anyone you Guys would recommend ?

Would be good to get these jobs done while the bikes getting re-wired, and mod's to front guard and Radiator done.


Messages In This Thread
Paint and Hose's ? - by Tony Nitrous - 16-01-2007, 08:53pm
Re: Paint and Hose's ? - by the shredder 3 - 17-01-2007, 02:03pm
Re: Paint and Hose's ? - by Tony Nitrous - 30-01-2007, 06:43pm
Re: Paint and Hose's ? - by Tony Nitrous - 11-02-2007, 10:59pm
Re: Paint and Hose's ? - by Tony Nitrous - 17-02-2007, 01:38pm
Tony Nitrous bling Paint and Hoses - by pan - 17-02-2007, 02:02pm
Re: Tony Nitrous bling Paint and Hoses - by Tony Nitrous - 17-02-2007, 06:51pm
20/2/07 - by Tony Nitrous - 20-02-2007, 05:50am
Re: 20/2/07 - by aBUSa - 20-02-2007, 06:39am

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