Bike won't start without bump / push start ????
Maj is correct, that switch serves two important functions.

With the clutch in & switch made, the max rev limit is further reduced from the normal limit of around 10,600 or there abouts to something like 10200. This helps to slow & protect the engine from over rev damage should you miss a gear with wide open throttle & clutch lever in. I think they call it the first limiter.

By passing the switch by connecting the two wires together activates the first limiter. <i></i>

Messages In This Thread
Bike won't start without bump / push start ???? - by tenacious - 24-01-2007, 01:28am
Re: Bike won't start without bump / push start ???? - by Turtle - 24-01-2007, 07:27am
Re: Bike won't start without bump / push start ???? - by kev11e - 24-01-2007, 07:57am
Re: Bike won't start without bump / push start ???? - by Heidi1 - 24-01-2007, 10:25am
Re: Bike won't start without bump / push start ???? - by Heidi1 - 24-01-2007, 10:54am
Re: Bike won't start without bump / push start ???? - by rev 01 - 24-01-2007, 12:23pm
Re: Bike won't start without bump / push start ???? - by Heidi1 - 24-01-2007, 02:57pm
Re: Bike won't start without bump / push start ???? - by tenacious - 25-01-2007, 03:51am
switch - by Maj750t - 25-01-2007, 07:35am
Re: Bike won't start without bump / push start ???? - by Busdriver - 25-01-2007, 01:53pm
Re: Bike won't start without bump / push start ???? - by rev 01 - 25-01-2007, 08:01pm
Re: Bike won't start without bump / push start ???? - by tenacious - 26-01-2007, 02:21am
limited......... - by rev 01 - 26-01-2007, 03:31pm

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