good work. i discovered two in brisbane last time i was there in that open air mall in the city. i think it was show girls and something else i dont remember the name. small old world i gotta say. i was minding my business being drunk and getting a lap dance in the corner when a fella i went to school with in canberra walked in and sat down at the bar and then i ran into a guy i worked with 4 years ago up in cairns in the same strip club on the same night what are the odds of that? naturally we were all just visiting brisbane and work was picking up the tab, work was just unaware the tab came from a strip joint
oh and btw rod if you decide you wanted to come up to townsville for the long weekend i could be your wingman for the weekend. missus has left me alone for a week to go see he folks in canberra. just a thought you know as im pretty sure xbase is having the backapackers party they hold once a month this weekend
oh and btw rod if you decide you wanted to come up to townsville for the long weekend i could be your wingman for the weekend. missus has left me alone for a week to go see he folks in canberra. just a thought you know as im pretty sure xbase is having the backapackers party they hold once a month this weekend