bike safety 101
yeah Skid....
I have worn in the past (and will wear in the future) this type of (not quite)safety gear...."needs must when the devil rides"!!! Coolsmiley
We roll the dice...and take our chances! Pi_thumbsup (I personally believe that the odd scar or two add CHARACTER!!! Yes)


Messages In This Thread
bike safety 101 - by busa666 - 26-06-2011, 09:27am
RE: bike safety 101 - by BUSABAZZ - 26-06-2011, 05:55pm
RE: bike safety 101 - by ROD - 26-06-2011, 09:57pm
RE: bike safety 101 - by Skidmarx - 27-06-2011, 07:10am
RE: bike safety 101 - by bazman - 27-06-2011, 09:47am
RE: bike safety 101 - by rjw3105 - 27-06-2011, 12:39pm

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