My bus has the vapours! (sorry - a bit long)
I have what could be a technical problem and I am hoping that some clever people here can offer a few clues or advice¡K
Background: a 99 bus with high kilometres (over 100,000), TRE and welded clutch, 4into1 Yoshi pipe. Has been developing a bit of a hunting/missing on steady throttle at 4 or 5 thousand rpm, which I had basically without thinking too much attributed to fuel injectors being old and worn. And because there has been no fault code displayed¡Kso not an electrical glitch as such¡K
Saturday: we went for a ride with some old fart mates ¡V from Blaxland up the Putty to Broke (who rides HAY-99, by the way?) for fuel, to Mangrove Mountain club for lunch break, to Wisemans Ferry for an ice cream. Then it became interesting. The bus stalled on the tight uphill lefthand hairpin turn out of Wisemans, then fired for a minute to go another 200 metres or so before stalling again, fired again to get us to the top of the hill, where it stopped and didn¡¦t want to play any more. And I couldn¡¦t get tools out, because the seat release had been left disconnected. Lucky there was another Suzuki along¡Kand that¡¦s another story.
The NRMA man from Maroota (look, I¡¦m sorry, but all you who are from places other than Sydney area might have to look on ƒº) - who owns a MH rep Ducati, but that¡¦s another story too - arrived and eventually decided it was vapour lock in the fuel pump. So we poured a lot of water over the fuel pump, and man was it hot under there! Cooled it down, we rode off, happy with our new-found knowledge, until Richmond (about 40km?), where it stopped playing again. So it was water again, and again we made it home from there (another 30km), but running rough.
I did comment to Mr NRMA that I had commuted in Sydney traffic for several years in hot summer weather and had not struck this before, and he replied that Saturday was abnormally hot, 35 degrees by 9.30am, and had stayed hot well into the evening, so it should be perhaps no surprise.
I was amazed how hot it was under the bonnet, the frame was too hot to touch down along the headstock for example, and I¡¦m wondering whether anyone else has experienced this?
Other things I¡¦m wondering are: have I been thinking the injectors are at fault when it has been the fuel pump itself having a heart attack? Or could malfunctioning injectors cause the problem? Is this level of heat causing vapour lock considered normal?
By the way, I have to note that the coolant temperature never rose over normal all day¡K
And the next thing I need to decide is what to do / where to take it. I¡¦m thinking Col 10/10 is pretty smart but is he a guru regarding fuel injection systems too? Is there an alternative?
So, as I said in the first para ¡V any clues or advice? Thoughts?

Messages In This Thread
My bus has the vapours! (sorry - a bit long) - by kev11e - 16-10-2006, 11:26am
Re: My bus has the vapours! (sorry - a bit long) - by BUSGO - 16-10-2006, 01:15pm
Re: My bus has the vapours! (sorry - a bit long) - by Volvi - 16-10-2006, 01:29pm
Re: My bus has the vapours! (sorry - a bit long) - by Darryl - 16-10-2006, 02:59pm
Re: My bus has the vapours! (sorry - a bit long) - by CAS3234 - 16-10-2006, 03:59pm
Re: My bus has the vapours! (sorry - a bit long) - by Maj750t - 16-10-2006, 11:35pm
Re: My bus has the vapours! (sorry - a bit long) - by kev11e - 17-10-2006, 11:44am
Re: My bus has the vapours! (sorry - a bit long) - by WARD P - 18-10-2006, 10:40pm
Re: My bus has the vapours! (sorry - a bit long) - by BUSGO - 20-11-2006, 12:01am

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