04-06-2011, 06:14pm
[attachment=11763][attachment=11764][attachment=11765][attachment=11766]Well after cursing the entire Japanese nation and questioning the marriage of their parents I had to remove the radiator....reason was I couldn't get the bloody Knead it into the cleared area...it would not stick to the radiator but stuck to my fingers perfectly. Radiator out I tried to get this stuff to stick...wouldn't stick at all. I cleaned up the area and tried several times to get it to form a seal but to no avail. I then tried sealant and a small ally cover over that. I don't think this will work and am now going to get some of that silver seal you guys mentioned. Failing this I will try epoxy if this fails a large hammer may be the next tool to use. I took some photo's of the fins I made and the hole I formed by removing the original fins...should be attached. Max It may be a matter of days before I take you up on your offer...still hope the repair I did will hold...but I will always be wondering... when?
Smoke me a kipper I'll be home in time for breakfast