Servicing Scammers........
Not to do with bikes, but interesting little deal nonetheless

I book my daughter's VTcommy for a service coz she's keen about getting the book stamped blah blah....reale value blah blah etc.......

The service manager quotes me $270 for a 110,000 service & we agree. A couple of hours after dropping the car off he rings me to say the spark plug leads are brittle & the car is mis-firing & it's going to cost $185 to replace them. I said the car was running fine so leave them alone.

An hour later he rings again & says that when the mechanic changed the spark plugs a couple of plug leads broke off due to being "brittle" (hardened). I say bullshit, leave it alone & I'll change them myself. We pick the car up & now the bill is for $455 coz the gearbox needed servicing too. It runs fine & we take it home. Next day there's pool of oil under the thing, & yep, the sump plug is leaking when it wasn't before.

I pull the bonnet up & one of the plug leads has obviously been super glued back together I pull all of them off & have a real close look for the "brittleness", can't see any, all as supple & pliable as new I fitted new ones as one was now damaged for $84 from Repco.

The question did it get broken in the first place & need replacing

Well, I say they broke it deliberately looking for more money because any mechanic worth his salt would know that you don't remove a plug lead by yanking on it, you grasp the plug CAP, even apprentices know that !!!!!!!

This is what you're up against thrill seekers, be wary !! <i></i>

Messages In This Thread
Servicing Scammers........ - by rev 01 - 20-12-2006, 09:00pm
Re: Servicing Scammers........ - by Volvi - 20-12-2006, 09:49pm
Re: Servicing Scammers........ - by Maj750t - 20-12-2006, 10:05pm
Re: Servicing Scammers........ - by Darryl - 21-12-2006, 01:58pm
Re: Servicing Scammers........ - by rev 01 - 21-12-2006, 08:04pm
Re: Servicing Scammers........ - by arthur dunga - 03-01-2007, 07:04pm
dodgy dealings - by rev 01 - 03-01-2007, 09:57pm

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