Belzy thats true and once you have been asked to leave the store by owner/manager/member of staff and you do not leave as quickly as reasonably possible you are guilty of tresspass which they then can physically remove you, in most stores there is a sign at the entrance stating presenting bags for search is a condition of entry and if you do not comply your arse also then guilty of tresspass from what i can understand. however removal of helmets is a different kettle of fish to searches, as the deal with removal of helmets came about because to many attendents where getting there head bashed in by theives wearing masks or helmets. As a service station is private property as soon as you cross the property boundary if you are asked to remove your helmet and you dont you can be directed to leave and you have to its as simple as that so if the manager has decided Tenacious is no longer welcome on the business property for a)not complying with conditions of entry, b)verbally assualting staff, if he returns he is guilty of tresspass and can be arrested for that.