25-03-2011, 09:14pm
I just read the fairings thread to see what the fuss was about, How sad to see this happening. The Forum has always been a place for me to come to for information and inspiration, I havent met a lot of people on here but the ones I have, have been great on the whole. To see it turn into an overmoderated, heavy handed site which is almost verging on the Ulyssian brand of forum is disappointing to say the least. Gonna take a long break I think and see what gives here later. Most of the original characters have drifted off and taken their vast experience and knowledge with them and the "bon homme" . I sincerely hope this place picks up from the pissing contest it is now and reverts back to what it was a couple of years back. There are some great members here but there are also a lot who are just out to big themselves up. It's a pity. I've been here 4 years nearly and to see it go this way saddens me