tassy ride
(18-03-2011, 06:48pm)bazman Wrote: G'day Grant,

Did my 1st "tassie tour" this year juz before the WSB w/end at PI......WoW....cannot wait to go BACK (prolly the SAME time next year)!!! Very Happy

The only thing I'll do differently next time is taking MORE time (10-12 days) to do it.....coz we missed out on doing a lot of "touristy" stuff!

Have lots of FUN mate.....the west coast is (virtually) ur own private racetrack, ooooppps Embarassed, I mean road!!!! Yes


ps: don't 4get ur wet weather gear....u'll most prolly need it at some point!
(18-03-2011, 06:48pm)BJK1 Wrote: Have fun mate. Tazzie would rock on a bike. I'm going over end of year. Do me a favor though and report how your bikes handled by the spirit of tazzie cause that's my main concern about goin over.

No probs when we went over, BJK....all bikes were seemingly handled with care! Pi_thumbsup

Should be good.Give the scotters half an hour start.ha ha.got to get some jl bees wax tomorrow.Thought i had some for leather pants cheers.

Messages In This Thread
tassy ride - by grantxr6t - 18-03-2011, 01:58pm
RE: tassy ride - by BEAU - 18-03-2011, 06:48pm
RE: tassy ride - by bazman - 18-03-2011, 06:48pm
RE: tassy ride - by grantxr6t - 18-03-2011, 10:37pm
RE: tassy ride - by wayneb60 - 27-03-2011, 06:57pm
RE: tassy ride - by grantxr6t - 31-03-2011, 09:29pm
RE: tassy ride - by PostmanPete - 31-03-2011, 11:27pm

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