shoo roo
ME TOO! It sucks. I had a British backpacker I was trying to impress (it is always important to show a good time to visitors to our country Coolsmiley) who had never been on the back of a bike before and asked if he could see a kangaroo, because he'd never seen a kangaroo before..... It was a disaster before we even put the helmets on. Lol2

I ruptured my spleen and gave myself severe internal injuries. Took ages to recover from that and the backpacker went his merry way.

Messages In This Thread
shoo roo - by davecrowley - 14-03-2011, 10:46am
RE: shoo roo - by Heidi1 - 14-03-2011, 10:57am
RE: shoo roo - by bazman - 14-03-2011, 11:15am
RE: shoo roo - by Timmy_0_T00l - 14-03-2011, 02:28pm
RE: shoo roo - by Heidi1 - 14-03-2011, 02:37pm
RE: shoo roo - by Greeny_SA - 14-03-2011, 02:41pm
RE: shoo roo - by DAVE01 - 14-03-2011, 03:11pm
RE: shoo roo - by CaptainRob - 14-03-2011, 04:20pm

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