shoo roo
We have used them (...or something similar, not sure of the brand/type) on some of the cars at my workplace in the past, Dave.....

can't say for sure that they are 100% effective.....but what I DID notice when I drove any cars that had them fitted, was that roo's and wallabies definately NOTICED that we were approaching! It seemed to make them aware of ur impending arrival (if they were standing beside the road, as you pass them by, most would be standing there with their ears pricked, staring STRAIGHT at you.... very similar to a soldier standing to attention)! Confused
But I've never experienced coming around a blind corner, and catching them right in the middle of the road.....and witness them physically jumping AWAY from it!?!
Next time you're travelling further out west a bit.....see if u can get some feedback off someone using them out there....

any other members had any experiences with this sorta stuff???


Messages In This Thread
shoo roo - by davecrowley - 14-03-2011, 10:46am
RE: shoo roo - by Heidi1 - 14-03-2011, 10:57am
RE: shoo roo - by bazman - 14-03-2011, 11:15am
RE: shoo roo - by Timmy_0_T00l - 14-03-2011, 02:28pm
RE: shoo roo - by Heidi1 - 14-03-2011, 02:37pm
RE: shoo roo - by Greeny_SA - 14-03-2011, 02:41pm
RE: shoo roo - by DAVE01 - 14-03-2011, 03:11pm
RE: shoo roo - by CaptainRob - 14-03-2011, 04:20pm

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