23-09-2006, 10:02am
If you want to buy new OEM's than its worthwhile looking at JE's , Wiseco's, CP and Ross etc...you will need to run a 80thou spacer too and consider changing the valve timing to compensate by either 1 of 2 methods.
Buying direct from JE isnt cost effective, look at others ( distributors ) in the USA or Wolf Racing up your way. There prices are very good I have found.
Dont believe that a set of after market pistons is going to save you with that setup...how many times has it blown up / been rebuilt? <i></i>
Buying direct from JE isnt cost effective, look at others ( distributors ) in the USA or Wolf Racing up your way. There prices are very good I have found.
Dont believe that a set of after market pistons is going to save you with that setup...how many times has it blown up / been rebuilt? <i></i>