can i run power front and pilot road 2 rear
Just finished a ride day with this combo. The front was brilliant, the back was Very very good. used "ALL" of both tyres, scrap marks on fairing and bent footpags back whilst hanging off and scraping knees, both tyres totally planted.

Where the Road2ct fell down for me is in when I started getting the power on out of the corner. After a few laps it got very "gooey" and I needed to be very light with the right hand hand to stop it stepping out, even when quite upright (although the tyre combo was quite old before I started)

On the plus side it leaves brilliant darkies out of every corner Lol3

For on the road I couldn't fault the combo.
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .

Messages In This Thread
can i run power front and pilot road 2 rear - by busa666 - 23-02-2011, 04:37pm
RE: can i run power front and pilot road 2 rear - by BLACKZOOK - 23-02-2011, 07:12pm
RE: can i run power front and pilot road 2 rear - by busa666 - 23-02-2011, 07:32pm
RE: can i run power front and pilot road 2 rear - by Ward P - 01-03-2011, 08:58pm

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