New from Pashnit: HID Projector assembly, plug & play.
(18-02-2011, 10:44pm)Rainbow7 Wrote:
(18-02-2011, 10:29pm)BLACKZOOK Wrote: I have answered your PM rainbow. Is my assumption of derived benefit correct????

Only inasmuch as I will derive benefit from that product being fitted to my bike, having paid full retail price for that product.

Here is a redacted copy of the invoice:

[Image: HIDinvoice.jpg]

Still feeling clever?

FYI, the reason I put so much info in that first post was to forestall any questions of "How much is it?", or "Is the CCFL available in more than one colour", or "Does it include the HID kit?", etc. I was only trying to put up the sort of detail that I would want to know.

Rainbow7 Wrote:I've heard other members speak very well of you, so I'm actually surprised at your attitude.
You are completely wrong and have made a fool out of yourself.

Furthermore, your statement that I "unashamedly promote BGW and smash anyone who post anything but total support for that vendor" is ridiculous. Anyone can make any criticism they like, as long as they have a logical, reasoned argument for why they are doing so, but what happened on this site is that a couple of vendors got jealous about BGW's importation rights/business model/actual financial success, and started making wild claims and hysterical, emotionally-based, ad hominem attacks on that company.

And why the f*** would I be "ashamed" about promoting a company I like? There's nothing to be "ashamed" of.

To summarise: I have never, not even once, received anything from either BGW or Pashnit that I have not paid for. The sole reason I post things up is so that other members of this club can take advantage of them.
You can choose not to believe that, but that would say more about you than it would about me. (I think you need to get Pan to explain the concept of "Projection" to you.)

With your permission I would like to post this PM on the forum so that all can see that yet again I have made a fool of myself.

My relationship with my analyist is between me and my government appointed head shrinker.

Messages In This Thread
RE: New from Pashnit: HID Projector assembly, plug & play. - by BLACKZOOK - 18-02-2011, 11:38pm
RE: New from Pashnit: HID Projector assembly, plug & play. - by 1300hayabusa - 19-02-2011, 06:19am

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