20-12-2010, 10:51am
(14-12-2010, 10:06am)Rainbow7 Wrote:(14-12-2010, 09:13am)alpal Wrote: Sometime this year, we taxpayers may again receive another 'Economic Stimulus' payment.Stupid Labor Government. - It was proved in the 1930's that a country cannot spend its way put of a recession/depression, yet the idiots are still trying it.
I didn't get a damn thing out of that last "stimulus package" nor did I want anything. If they really wanted to stimulate consumer spending, they'd lower the taxes on the middle class and on small businesses.
Giving poor people money is not the solution.
I agree entirely
I Agree. This STUPID Goverment thinks the dole bludgers can spend the money better than the honest middle class. See we are the suckers to the Goverment and the Dole Bludgers. Thats my thought anyway. I believe there is a small percentage of people who deserve the stimulas package. Example, My EX works full time, has lied to the CSA and gets a healthy extra income tax free ontop of her income, gets 100% family benefit, gets the child bonus. See if your good at knowing the system, its open to corruption. But not that they are doing anything wrong because the Govt approves it and Centerlink are paid to make shore this corruption is advertised to their "clients". I care for our chilgren aprox 40% of the time and get nothing, Quite proud that I do it on my own, without help. But the bludgers of society are the ones to blame and the labor Govt depends on their vote. Do you think my Ex would vote Liberal, not in your life.
Just my winge for this year, now I am getting on with my life.......Back to my kids for the rest of the month and back to work as well to support the LOBOR Govt. Thats the suckers we are!
Once again agree entirely , I'm amazed that anyone with half ounce of intelligence could vote for this corrupt inept communist government
The labour government today is nothing like what it was years ago but people still blindly vote for it because that's what their parents did and that's what the unions tell them to do .
Ignorant people led like sheep unable (or couldn't be bothered) to think for them self