50 Tips To Staying Alive
Not sure about QLD, but I'm pretty sure that lane-splitting is allowed in NSW if the traffic is at a standstill (I wouldn't put my house on it though). I tend only to lane-split when I'm in a shit mood (usually brought on by some nuffy talking/texting on their mobile and not paying attention to the road), but if were to ever see a cop in the queue of traffic, I bet I'd find a gap quick smart and rejoin the traffic queue, just in case.

Messages In This Thread
50 Tips To Staying Alive - by richardo - 02-10-2009, 09:34am
RE: 50 Tips To Staying Alive - by bigfoot - 02-10-2009, 07:57pm
RE: 50 Tips To Staying Alive - by richardo - 03-10-2009, 01:28pm
RE: 50 Tips To Staying Alive - by aarondominic - 07-10-2009, 05:56pm
RE: 50 Tips To Staying Alive - by FalcoPerigri - 23-10-2010, 02:43pm
RE: 50 Tips To Staying Alive - by CeeJay07 - 23-10-2010, 05:40pm
RE: 50 Tips To Staying Alive - by Throwdown! - 23-10-2010, 06:17pm
RE: 50 Tips To Staying Alive - by David - 06-11-2013, 08:58am
RE: 50 Tips To Staying Alive - by Shifu - 07-11-2013, 08:29am
RE: 50 Tips To Staying Alive - by GRUNTMAX - 12-11-2013, 03:01pm

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