TechG adjustable rear sets
It's been a year since I fitted my rearsets. They are TechG rearsets, available in black or gold.

They're off ebay, about half the price of Vortex etc.. so good value.

They weigh about half a kilo less than the standard pegs and are adjustable. Levers run on sealed bearings and work fine with no slop in the levers.
They're wearing well, only the anodising on the knurling of the foot pegs has worn off, the rest of the rearsets are still black and the rubber on the levers hasn't worn out or worn much at all.

Pretty good for half price rearsets. I'm very happy with them, they've performed well, and are lasting well.


Messages In This Thread
TechG adjustable rear sets - by aussiemonster - 13-09-2010, 09:42pm

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