Keneally agrees to review green slip fees
The New South Wales Government has agreed to review the price of motorcycle green slips after a loud protest outside State Parliament today.

Hundreds of motorbike riders converged on Parliament for the protest.

Chairman of the Motorcycle Council (MCC) Rob Colligan told the rally that motorbike green slip prices have increased by more than 100 per cent since the Government introduced a new scheme in July.

"We have a Government run by ministers for nothing, that's all they are - ministers for nothing," he said.

Premier Kristina Keneally later told Parliament the Government was willing to take another look at the scheme.

"I will instruct the MAA (Motorcycle Accidents Authority) to work with the MCC to identify an independent actuary to review the motorcycle green slip pricing," she said.

However, the Premier says under the new scheme more than half of motorcycle riders will pay less for their green slip.

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Keneally agrees to review green slip fees - by big kev - 31-08-2010, 08:25pm

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