25-08-2010, 10:37pm
(24-08-2010, 12:04pm)Madmax Wrote: Now, at this time and bearing in mind the ramifications of his advice - what do you do with a burnt out has been of an ex leader of the Labor party who suggested to all and sundry that they make no vote marks on their ballot papers?
He is to blame for this advice to the Australian People not to vote at all. The AEC should be taking him to account for his suggestion.
Just another bottom feeding ex-poly with his snout in the public purse.
That latham dipshit would not be suitable for a lavartory cleaning job let alone a political reporter and if there was any justice in this country he should be charged as I could have been if I did not vote,instigating of any sort on a mass level is no joke and this sore loser should be dealt with accordingly.