Sump - making it low profile.
You would have less oil surge probs with a proper low profile sump and swinging pickup , but even they would need mods to fit a full exhaust .
otherwise its not that hard to cut ~30-40mm off and trim the pickup and breather tube, but if you start getting into the 1.5 60's start shopping for better
try Pete for the cut and shut

Messages In This Thread
Sump - making it low profile. - by Macbusa - 16-08-2010, 06:11pm
RE: Sump - making it low profile. - by jason - 16-08-2010, 07:05pm
RE: Sump - making it low profile. - by Maj - 16-08-2010, 07:08pm
RE: Sump - making it low profile. - by abusa - 16-08-2010, 07:59pm

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