Bike detailing
I would just like to let members know that I`m staring up Home & Mobile bike detailing service.
I know most of you cherish this job yourselves but I love doing it.
So If you`re time challenged or just can`t be bothered, give me a call & I`ll make the beast shiny & purty.

'The more professional you are, the closer you get to your client' Leon.


Messages In This Thread
Bike detailing - by busacrankin - 30-07-2010, 12:24am
RE: Bike detailing - by CeeJay07 - 30-07-2010, 07:42am
RE: Bike detailing - by BikerBoy - 30-07-2010, 07:24pm
RE: Bike detailing - by busacrankin - 03-08-2010, 01:22am

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