Crock suffers a fool
A new movie is to be made...Crocodile Dumbdee... on the news last night... apparantly a drunken fool thrown out of the Divers bar in Broome then went and broke into the local zoo and went over to the croc pen to annoy an 800 kilo croc called Fatso. It got mightilly pissed off... so said fool then decides to jump the fence and try and ride it!!! It got hold of his leg and tried to eat him. Unluckily for society he managed to get clear then went back to the pub for another beer and to brag!!!

I watched the interview they had on channel 7 and he is a total wanker... it was so funny... even when sober he didn't seem to care that the crock almost ripped him to pieces.
Smoke me a kipper I'll be home in time for breakfast

Messages In This Thread
Crock suffers a fool - by Aussie Steve - 15-07-2010, 12:41pm
RE: Crock suffers a fool - by bazman - 15-07-2010, 01:07pm
RE: Crock suffers a fool - by Aussie Steve - 15-07-2010, 04:08pm

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