A must see...
We all have seen ups and downs in life, but this guy was born with this abnormality and still he came up and stood tall. Very few people have such strength and resolve to go above and beyond.

As to articles of issues with wrong medication and other experiments. Human race is very old I bet about 300 years ago there was no special experiments (who knows) and no medications to bring you back to life with major injuries - why 300 yrs - just in world war 1 many of the soldiers were left to die due to lack of proper medication and rehabilitation process.

Yes there are certain draw backs of all these experiments and progress - but haven't we already learned our lesion - global pollution levels are highest at this point - North Pole is becoming a green pastures as ice is melting.

We as a race have come so ahead in research and development that we are NOT worried of the world that we are screwing with......just check the natural disasters which has hit the world in last 2 months...to get the idea.

We all have come with a written destination and discoveries in life so Grunt if it was in your luck to be hit by a drunk driver and then suffer all the way through - then its your luck - be tough and face the facts. Similarly I am also not blessed with all the goodies. I lack stability in my destiny, whenever I think I am all set and stable - my world just rocks and all is gone in minutes. We all must thank God to be alive and spend one more day with our loved ones - God Bless - this is me and my 2 cents.

I have learned through experience that if life throws lemons at ya, make lemonade and enjoy - just don't sit and cry.....

Please note - I dont want to start a war of words and mean to offend anyone on this board - I love and respect each one of you as a friend - now back to my own set of problems to resolve.....


Messages In This Thread
A must see... - by VNSVLE - 26-03-2010, 10:36pm
RE: A must see... - by big kev - 26-03-2010, 10:51pm
RE: A must see... - by fasterfaster - 27-03-2010, 06:45am
RE: A must see... - by bigjay - 27-03-2010, 07:43am
RE: A must see... - by grumpy - 27-03-2010, 08:07am
RE: A must see... - by GRUNTMAX - 27-03-2010, 10:57am
RE: A must see... - by ROD - 27-03-2010, 12:41pm
RE: A must see... - by GRUNTMAX - 27-03-2010, 02:28pm
RE: A must see... - by fasterfaster - 27-03-2010, 11:35am
RE: A must see... - by Volvi - 27-03-2010, 04:54pm
RE: A must see... - by BLACKZOOK - 27-03-2010, 10:13pm
RE: A must see... - by GRUNTMAX - 28-03-2010, 03:07pm
RE: A must see... - by GRUNTMAX - 28-03-2010, 08:33am
RE: A must see... - by Bill Gaheer - 28-03-2010, 10:07am
RE: A must see... - by ROD - 28-03-2010, 03:19pm
RE: A must see... - by Dan85 - 28-03-2010, 05:15pm
RE: A must see... - by GRUNTMAX - 28-03-2010, 06:43pm
RE: A must see... - by ROD - 28-03-2010, 08:17pm

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