15-03-2010, 10:48am
Here is just a thought, BE f*&^ing CAREFUL!!! The best version of that I've seen is on Tex's bike, but he had it professionally applied and it is all but invisible. I had a really slap-dash go of it when we went around the country. Admittedly, I got the shits fairly early on and ended up cutting out weird shapes and slapping them on while eating pizza, but my version looked shit (as did Bruce's and Simmo's, but MAN they worked).
Aviod the temptation to start with the nose, start somewhere REALLY out of the way. Also I was told a little bit of washing up detergent in water makes it easier to apply. Sticky pizza fingers don't help at ALL. Maybe talk to Tex.
Aviod the temptation to start with the nose, start somewhere REALLY out of the way. Also I was told a little bit of washing up detergent in water makes it easier to apply. Sticky pizza fingers don't help at ALL. Maybe talk to Tex.