10-03-2010, 09:25pm
(10-03-2010, 06:40pm)cheeky Wrote: its easier to walk away than to make it work.many people take the easy option.
talking to one another and taking interest in each others daily life can help alot.we tend too take it for granted what each other does during the day.
hubs and i found a hobby that we can do together.we ride our bikes and go most weekends say too a pub for lunch.we talk together alot more
thing is your in that inbetween stage..were kids are out on their own and grandkids arnt on the scene now and your prolly thinking is this all there is too our relationship.youve focused the last 20 odd years on the kids and not yourselves and now its "yourtime".
reevaulate your dreams together even go see a counsellor.they often can give you the tools to help boost your relationship.
plastis surgery is a great idea if your unhappy about your looks.but it wont change the inner you.it may give more confidence but the essential person is still there.i had a tummy tuck years ago because of my baby weighed 11 pounds and yeah you can imagine after a ceasare ect i was a mess.i thinl plastic surgery is great.frig ageing gracefully but not joceline wilderstein type thats overboard
The only problem with our relationship is that we are OPPOSITE