29-01-2010, 07:06pm
Hey guys, i have fitted the T25G to the bike now, and is all running good. Is at 7psi currently, and much smoother and easier to ride. Greg, you mentioned about the oil supply restrictor that is in standard oil coolers. Mine is a 750 and has no external oil cooler. I have however a .040" oil restrictor in my -6AN oil feed line.
The Garrett website said to use this for all ball bearing turbo's and you can use on sleeve bearing turbo's if you have oil pressure bleed problems into the housings. My problem is that i have 400 series speedflow oil feed line, with the restrictor inserted. For me to remove the restrictor (or drill it out), i have to cut the line shorter - most likely requiring another oil feed line.
My question is will this cause any problems if i leave the restrictor in place..?
The Garrett website said to use this for all ball bearing turbo's and you can use on sleeve bearing turbo's if you have oil pressure bleed problems into the housings. My problem is that i have 400 series speedflow oil feed line, with the restrictor inserted. For me to remove the restrictor (or drill it out), i have to cut the line shorter - most likely requiring another oil feed line.
My question is will this cause any problems if i leave the restrictor in place..?