Welcome back all, did you miss us?
(27-12-2009, 04:28am)keno77 Wrote: yeah being off line didnt do those of us with quiet time on shift work any favours i can tell you

ahhhh he pops up his (i'm gunna get him back) head!!!!!!!Coolsmiley

bout time you did some work buddy!!! cause payback is waiting you and you may need bail money.nivs still cacking himself at what you did too me....

snot funny!

yea ok it was.you got me a beautyKnuppel2

too fill ppl in keno rings up..fake name and chiorboy voice.

asks for me personally. full name ect..
on the home line.

asks if i have thought about god lately after he announced he was from church of later day saints. sometimes depending on mood i will give a smartarsed reply..this day i thought hmm i cannot be mean too a man of the cloth... and said yes i think of god and how did you get m name and phone number..he said the hayabusa forum....in shock i,m think the tellemarketers are infiltrating the forum O .. M.... G... then i said no thanks and hung up.

phone rings again..thinking persistant bugger..

all i get is laughter and 'you idiot you fell for it"

yep he got me good..it was the choir boy voice that got me....

keno i,m still wondering how long you been hanging around the preists? because you certainly sounded like one...

...............stepping over here now>>>>>>>.....on this side of the forum>>>>>>>>>>.....................>>>>>

to avoid the lighting bolt..

Messages In This Thread
Welcome back all, did you miss us? - by Volvi - 26-12-2009, 11:04pm
RE: Welcome back all, did you miss us? - by big kev - 26-12-2009, 11:38pm
RE: Welcome back all, did you miss us? - by ROD - 27-12-2009, 07:29am
RE: Welcome back all, did you miss us? - by cheeky - 27-12-2009, 06:07pm
RE: Welcome back all, did you miss us? - by Heidi1 - 03-01-2010, 09:32pm

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