(13-12-2009, 07:12pm)Madmax Wrote: Only problem with the Nullabor is - No corners and no sweepers.I'm doing some hunting around, to see if there are any decent roads anywhere near there, that may break the monotony of straight road's ,Maybe the Flinders Range's. This would mean an extra few 100 k's for the westerner's but might be worth it for some corner's ( if there are any ). Failing that, Streaky Bay isn't a bad little town ( think Tathra size ),so accom would be ok ,But as you said Max If your not into fishing,that leave's Drinking .I'll let Bazzman know if I have any joy .Us S A Bloke's will go where you like 1000 KM Do that in our sleep.
However if there's no loop, that leaves a lot of time for drinking!
Can we do as near to halfway as possible as long as there's a hotel of some sort???
I'll ride any distance but I want comfort when I get there!
If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here