Cheap ebay exhausts - Piranah
Dont know any in brissie sorry (from darwin)
But I had mine made at a place there, cost me about $150 I THINK.

Depends what you want done, for mine the guy used a 90 degree mandrel bend, cut it in half, for a slight angled look and then out to a Angled cut on the tip to give it a line with the body. My explanation sucks but it was how I wanted it and kept them short and light. Less wheight the better as you dont really have any support for them but the clamp holding them. So it can be undue stress on the exhaust and the clamp if to heavy apparently.
The guy knocked them up in maybe 30 minutes or so.

To find a place to do it I just rode around asking different places til I found one that could/would do it
Peregrine Falcon - Capable of slicing winds at over 300km/h
Hayabusa - Capable of carrying my arse to over 300km/h

Messages In This Thread
Cheap ebay exhausts - Piranah - by blackbullet - 15-12-2009, 10:12am
RE: Cheap ebay exhausts - Piranah - by Crane - 15-12-2009, 07:14pm
RE: Cheap ebay exhausts - Piranah - by abusa - 16-12-2009, 09:20am
RE: Cheap ebay exhausts - Piranah - by abusa - 16-12-2009, 12:44pm
RE: Cheap ebay exhausts - Piranah - by Slade - 16-12-2009, 12:45pm
RE: Cheap ebay exhausts - Piranah - by Slade - 16-12-2009, 01:17pm
RE: Cheap ebay exhausts - Piranah - by Roxybob - 16-12-2009, 02:15pm
RE: Cheap ebay exhausts - Piranah - by BLACKZOOK - 16-12-2009, 08:06pm
RE: Cheap ebay exhausts - Piranah - by dddd - 17-12-2009, 09:44am

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