Black busa color theme advice
Hi All,

Was thinking of dressing up my 09 busa (black) in a black and gold color color scheme.
With gold touches like rearsets and fairing bolts etc ( but not too much gold)

Just would like to get the forums experiance and advice on this matter for example any pitfalls and recomendations on what should be replaced with gold to give it that horn look.

The front bottom fairing of the 09 black busa seems to be black/grey so im going to have to probabally get that sprayed to normal black and also the grey sticker on the tank that has been clear coated over, Ill probabally have to get the tank sprayed as well.

Any other hints tips are appreciated as Im new to custom work on bikes and im trying not to waste money going in the wrong direction.



Messages In This Thread
Black busa color theme advice - by blackbullet - 15-12-2009, 08:58am
RE: Black busa color theme advice - by Jaffabusa - 16-12-2009, 06:43am

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