18-11-2009, 09:09pm
Sad isn't it. We sponsor a young lady in Uganda who speaks four languages fluently. She lives in what we would call poverty but she thanks God for everyday. We have ploughed through enough paperwork to choke a horse applying to get her here doing it the right way. We have repeated many sections of the paperwork multiple times. We live two hours from Canberra where there is a big shortage of translators in her languages. This kid's a walk upstart to being a productive member of the workforce of this country. Its been two years already with maybe another two years to go and they make it bloody hard... which is a good thing. When she does get here she will be the least likely to take the place for a bludge on the dole, she'll be making $70k a year telling some pollie what some other pollie is BSing on about and thinking she's in some incredible dream.