02-11-2009, 08:11pm
(30-10-2009, 01:33pm)BikerBoy Wrote: Administrators can be the worst pricks in the world to have to deal with.
By Law if you have paid for the items in full they are legaly your property and the admin is wrong about asking for more money.
I'd demand a full refund of all money paid (except an admin wont usualy authorise that) and also talk to your bank ASAP to see if they will reverse the payment (it is something they can do under the right circumstances)
The main problem you will probably face if you persue it is that they wil simply refuse to ship your items.
If you argue it is your property and fully paid for, they'll probably just say "so come and pick it up then"
If the items are not of a real significant value, you may be better biting the bullet and just writing it off.
$10000+ bullet